Saturday, February 02, 2013

Ghana: Statement: Save our wetlands and Save our lives

Saturday February 2 is marked as World Wetlands Day by many nations around the world.

The United Nations has also declared 2013 to be the International Year of Water Co-operation and the theme for World Wetlands Day 2013 is Wetlands and water management.

The Ghana Environmental Journalists Association will like to take this opportunity to remind authorities in Ghana that important attention ought to be paid to our wetland resources.

Many of our water bodies have been destroyed over the years due to bad human activities.
Our laws do not bite and people do anything they like in the name of development.

The association believes it is high time we begun to refocus on all of our water bodies and protect them to sustain the environment.

In Ghana many of our water bodies like the Korle Lagoon in Accra has been choked with human excreta and rubbish.

The development had caused the country huge sums of money in clearing these water bodies and making them attractive to tourists.

Until our laws are enforced and many of our wetlands are protected and developed, progress in terms of sanitation, obtaining clean water and improving upon the environment will come to not.

The Ghana environmental Journalists association wants to encourage all civil society organizations to continue to project their voices on protecting the environment and resources that will sustain the survival of the human race.

We hope government will pay attention to this important topic as the world marks world wetlands day and address the challenges facing the sector immediately.

General Secretary
Isaac Kaledzi

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